Title | Description |
Administration on Aging | Web site Contains information for consumers and researchers on aging data on a national or state level. |
Aging and Disability Resources Louisiana |
Aging and Disability Resources Center to support Louisiana's Aging Network. |
American Association of Retired Persons | General information regarding aging and general information on aging. |
Apply for Disaster Food Stamps | As you prepare for hurricane season or other disasters, make pre-registering for the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) part of your plan. |
Benefits Check Up | Sponsored by the National Council On Aging A web site to check a data base regarding services that a senior citizen may qualify in the area where he resides. Note: not all services are represented on this site. |
CDC | The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health agency of the United States. |
Elderly Locator | A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families. |
Louisiana Attorney General | Web page containing information regarding seniors, Medicare fraud, and Consumer information 1-800-351-4889. |
Louisiana Senior Rx | Louisiana site regarding assistance on prescription medication for seniors on limited income. |
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A) | Good site for Area Agency on Aging and families dealing with aging health care or financial issues. This organization operates Eldercare Locater 1-800-677-1116 a nationwide director of service assistance to help seniors and their caregivers. |
Feeding Louisiana | Feeding Louisiana food banks are on hand to respond and provide food to those in need during a disaster. |
National Hurricane Center | National Weather Services - National Hurricane Center resources and information. |
National Institute of Health | Part of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Supplies information regarding health, funding opportunities, scientific resources and organizations that make the NIH. |
National Legal Resource Center | Providing legal support to the Aging Advocacy Network. |
OFI - Louisiana's securities regulator and fraud investigator | FREE resources to recognize, avoid or report investment fraud scams. |
Roberts Rules Of Order | According to Robert’s Rules of Order, parliamentary procedure is based on the consideration of the rights: of the majority, of the minority (especially a large minority greater than one-third), of individual members, of absentee members, of all of these groups taken together. |
Social Security Administration | Contains online information regarding benefits for Social Security, supplemental security income, and Medicare. |
LegiScan Sexual Harassment Education/Training | Sexual harassment education/training for public servants requirement. |
Association for Community Living | The Administration for Community Living was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities. |